Saturday, February 20, 2021

Night lights 02-20-21


The two girls in the cul de sac always seem to have something new to play with.  Now it is lighted balls.  Although the image is blurred, the balls are perfectly round, slightly smaller than a soccer ball (I think), and they glow orange.  Their dad was out playing with them, bouncing and chasing and kicking.   I might walk over and ask about them.  I wonder what makes them glow and still bounce, they can't be very heavy like a battery.  

I hope some of you were able to watch the Betty Busby ZOOM presentation today.  It was offered by the NCalifornia/Nevada section of SAQA and there were over 200 viewers present.  Fantastic presentation by Betty, very nice Show & Tell from members, and it was sooo special to see familiar faces after so long in isolation.  It was not recorded, so becomes just a treasured memory, along with my notes! 

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Loretta said...

I would like to know more about the orange glowing playing balls! I'll bet my grandsons would love to know about them, too.
Betty Busby's presentation was extraordinary. I have always loved the visual treats her quilts provided me, and have wondered how they were accomplished! They are accomplished by an extraordinarily talented forward-thinking creative woman who is willing to delve and develop into many, many of her own curiousities, whether an unknown medium and/or just pushing the envelope to have much fun trying and playing with her 'I wonder' ideas. Betty is fabulously talented! Del, thank you again for reminding me of this SAQA zoom! Take care and stay well.

Andrea said...

This looks like it would make a perfect Jill Kertula quilt!