Monday, November 30, 2009

Belated post 11-29-09

I am on-the-Road and spent a comfortable night at Ramada Inn in Williams, CA. I was able to access the Internet and started doing this blog when SNATCH, I lost the Internet connection. I tried everything, including calling the desk, to no avail. I was too tired to stay up any longer. Now, when I am ready to hit the road I tried one more time and discovered that it was operator error after all, of course! So, I missed my 8am departure time! I will try posting this evening, wherever I may be. Meanwhile, all is well.
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Christine Thresh said...

Please keep us posted.
Via con Dios.

dee said...

I'm thinking of you and hoping you have a good trip. Take care Del, that's a long journey.

Terry Grant said...

Take care. I hope Siskiyou summit is clear. It's dry, but cold here.