Friday, December 4, 2009

Heading home on I-5 12-04-09

I stopped for one last visit with Aunt Dorothy, picked up a decafe-grande-latte at Starbucks, filled up with gas in Oregon City (261.9/gallon) and headed for I-5 South. It was overcast and dreary in Portland, but in Oregon City the sun was shining, although there was some ground haze. It was very cold today, 31 when I left the motel about 8:30am and there was frost on my windshield. 38 at Noon when I drove onto the freeway. It was pretty much between 30 and 45 all day, but mostly sunshine. The fog was thick north of Medford, but cleared up instantly when I was passing the turnoff for the airport. Then it was on again/off again down into California. For those of you who worried that there would be snow in the Siskyous - I have not seen a drop of moisture this entire trip - so far! Dew in the mornings was about it. However, there are large patches of snow on the north and east facing slopes at higher altitudes. The mountain peaks are covered thickly.
The beginning of the fog.
Thicker and thicker and then a patch of clearing.
Sometimes it hung around overhead, but not down at road level.
As the day grew to a close the road rounded a long curve to the right and a wonderful streaky sunset appeared. Of course, I didn't have the camera ready, so I turned it on and waited to get another view through the trees. By the time I reached this unobstructed view most of the streaks of clouds had lost their red reflection. Even this time of year there is twilight this far north and it lingered for another 40 minutes until I was checking into Holiday Inn Express in Yreka, CA. I have the same room I slept so wonderfully in back in June and hope it will be the same tonight. I have already had a two hour nap - so deep and refreshing. Ah-h-h-h!
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Deborah said...

stunning photographs

Gerrie said...

So happy that you made it over the mountains to CA. We had a hard freeze last night and the roads were a bit slick overnight. I think we won't get snow until next week. Safe trip for the rest of your journey.

June said...

Glad to hear you're coming south and making it fine. Good sleep is good. Your photographs are wonderful. We're dreading the journey north to Portland and are thinking of going east of the Cascades and then through the Gorge, rather than I-5. Open House was quiet but successful. And now I'm ready to be home.

Drive carefully.