Monday, November 30, 2009

Unusual quilt from Yvonne Porcella 11-29-09

This small quilt is from the Alliance for American Quilts auction "Put a Roof Over Our Heads" which sought to raise funds in 2006 for the new headquarters in Asheville, NC. All of the quilts were to have a peaked "roof" and somehow relate to the roof theme. You can still see all of the quilts on Alliance website I was interested in this one because it is such a departure from any of Yvonne's quilts that I have seen in the past. She is a charter member of the organization and still serves on the Advisory Committee. I think it is a great organization - check it out at
"Under One Roof" Yvonne Porcella - Modesto, CA 2006
Hand applique, Machine piecing, hand quilting
Yvonne's statement about this quilt was as follows:
"Preserving quilt history is a goal of the Alliance for American Quilts. I have favorite quilts from every recorded period of quilt history, some seen only in books and many of these images have inspired my own quilts. In 2004 the Alliance raffle quilt featured blocks inspired by hand appliqued Baltimore Album quilts of the 1850s. One block was offered on the website for members to download. I stitched this quilt using 1930s style reproduction fabrics and put my birds and berries all under one roof."
The back of the quilt says "Yvonne Porcella" more clearly to me! It is difficult to hang a quilt with a peak. Just a ring at the top allows the quilt to roll in at the sides, so a rod pocket is also required to make everything hang straight.
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Deborah said...

I've always loved her quilts. You're right, this one is a little different from her usual style.

Kay Koeper Sorensen said...

It never ceases to amaze me as to the breadth and variety in your collection.
I think one reason it speaks to me is because as I look back on my own work on my blog I also see that variety.
When I was finalizing the work for my solo show last year there was a unity to both series. Each series stood on it's own.
Currently I have been revisiting the past and creating unexpected work, much as this quilt of Yvonne's is unexpected when you think of her style and normal colorations.