Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A Lovely Board Meeting 07-20-10

I haven't served as a board member for any group for many years. At one point in my life I was on a number of boards, all at the same time, and I usually hated it. I frequently enjoyed the job I was doing, but attending the "bored meetings" was torture. So, finally, I decided I wouldn't do it. But when Surfside Quilters Guild was formed I told Nancy Ota that I would do any job she needed me to do, but I preferred being Newsletter Editor. So, here I am going into the second year at that position. But the Board Meetings are not "bored", mainly because Nancy Ota kept things moving and our new president, Sharon Whelan, is trying to keep up with Nancy's style.
One thing that makes the meetings enjoyable is that they are held in the lovely home of Nancy B., our secretary. She lives on the north end of San Clemente, which cuts my drive by a few miles, and is a gracious hostess - always prepared. Today's meeting was a pleasure.

Nancy has decorated her house with 'beachy' themes and cool colors. Monica, philanthropy co-chair is reflected in a white framed mirror in the living room.

Nancy B., Kathie B., Barbara C, and Mary G. visit after the meeting was adjourned.

Joann B, Ardie C and Jan H. settling business before leaving.

This lovely lady is "January", a Guide Dog puppy-in-training who lives with Nancy B. and her husband. I was amused by how much she was taken with Mary G's. sandled feet - shouldn't have been anything unusual since Nancy B. is usually in sandals. "January" was recently spade and I wanted to sit down and have a sympathetic snuggle with her, but that is not acceptable for puppies-in-training. I admire people who raise these puppies, I could never do it, regardless of the worthy cause. I fall in love too deeply and would be unable to give up the puppy when the time came. Maybe that is, in part, because I have never been a Mommy.
Of course, it is the lovely ladies who serve on the Board that make the meetings agreeable. I'm so happy to be in such a great group. They make the one-hour drive worthwhile.
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1 comment:

Corky said...

That mirror reflection photo is really cool. You have a great eye.