Friday, July 23, 2010

Quilt Festival Long Beach Page #2 07-22-10

This is the quilt made by the ladies from Hanford and I think it is wonderful. They started out experimenting with paint on bubble wrap for mono printing and ended up incorporating the actual bubble wrap. Inspired!

It is a triptych - approximate width is 12" + 17" + 24" and they are all about 18"long.

Here are some details.

I can't figure out how to add any pictures to my blog posts. Any suggestions? The old way that says "Browse" and I can look in my Picasa files for the correct picture doesn't work anymore.
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Suzanne Kistler said...

Sara, Grace and Anna will be so excited to see your post on their work! :) I bumped into Sara at the show, and her grin stretched from ear to ear. Too much fun! :)

Rayna said...

these are fabulous!!!