Showing posts with label Coyotes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Coyotes. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

More on Whisper quilt + doctoring 09-22-21

 If you are intrigued with the idea of Whisper Quilts you should Google  "Whisper Quilt Challenge".  There are many shown, some more successful than others.  I was especially interested to read Jenny K. Lyon's explanation of the quilt she made and the third person in a 12 month SAQA challenge in 2012.  She did a lot of thinking about her design.   Most of the groups you find on the Google list just show the quilts, but some have explanations.  Loose Threads group is interesting.  Browse a bit, the progressions are varied and inspiring.

I've talked before about the coyote problem we have in my neighborhood.  Something that is happening all over the country, or so I have read.  We haven't seen any on our walks just recently.  But one day last week when I took KoKo out back for a piddle we spied this one walking between the chain link fence and the block wall that surrounds the patio homes behind us.  KoKo never goes out alone and likes to walk on the short wall across our backyard and survey the homes and park, always barking at dogs out for a run.  And, in this case, coyotes!  That guy stopped and took a good look and I wonder if a coyote could fix the location in his memory and come back later looking for a meal!  It is quite a long way around to get over the two chain link fences, the very deep flood control channel the gravel road, our metal fence and up the slope.  But they can do it as I have seen them in our yard.  

I did see my primary doctor this morning.  She gave me a referral to a different orthopedic group to try to see if I can get another spinal injection SOON.  Guess I will try calling tomorrow.  I gave blood for testing to see about the various levels.  I just can't seem to regain any endurance and am always dragging around, too tired to accomplish much.  All my life I have heard "It ain't easy getting old." and they were right!
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Monday, May 3, 2021

A day of rest 04-03-21

As fun as it was to be with my art quilt friends in SDiego i was wiped out today.  So, it was a day of almost complete rest.  We did our two walks and several trips out to the back yard.  On our morning walk we were just getting ready to cross the street to home when a full grown coyote came trotting down the middle of the street - at 10am, broad day light!!   He didn't even look at KoKo and I, but I picked up the little guy and brandished my cane as the predator walked by.  The nerve!  He acted like he owned the street.  I haven't seen one for months, but there have been reports of them close by.  KoKo, of course, does not go out the door unless I am with him and outside our backyard he will be wearing harness and leash.  This morning he barked and lunged, ready to defend me as always.  

I came across this fabric with a bunny on it and decided to make a fiber postcard for a friend who loves her real live bunny.  I don't think she reads my blog - hope not!  I will see if the PO will still hand cancel and deliver these fun postcards. 

It is 6" X 4" and I will send it in a plastic sleeve made to store postcards. 

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Monday, December 2, 2019

In the neighborhood 12-02-19

Lots of Christmas decorations went up this past weekend.  

This snowman is a repeat from last year.  He is very colorful at night when he is inflated. 

But in the daytime he is less impressive and KoKo wants to "water" him. 

The coyotes have gotten more brazen and last night one was following us.  Poor thing has a limp with one of his back legs.  Hope the animal control can help him.  Wish they could keep him and his pals out of our way.  Tonight we drove over to a friend's house, parked out front, and walked two blocks around that area.  No coyotes.  May have to do that again.  KoKo always finds new things to "water" and to sniff, so I suppose it doesn't matter where we walk.  I used to take Corky to the park and many different office complexes, just to see something different.  Now it is KoKo's turn.  
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