Saturday, August 8, 2009
Quilt Festival LBeach #11 people Posted 08-08-09

Quilt Festival LBeach #10 Post 08-07-09
Friday, August 7, 2009
Quilt Festival LBeach #9 posted 07-06-09
Beth Miller's quilts are on her website: http://bethmillerquilts.com/gallery.html
It is so imaginative and has such crisp detail.
This year Kathy York showed this quilt - imaginative and much attention to detail.
She has used the many fabrics to create a rich color and texture. I admire the satin stitch edging between the main colors - something more to see when you get up close.
If you Google "Kathy York" quilts you will get quite a listing. Her Flicker stream is:http://www.flickr.com/photos/kathy_york/ and includes a number of quilts. She also has a blog about her Journal Quilts: http://kathyyorkjournalquilts.blogspot.com/

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Quilt Festival LBeach #8 posted 08-05-09

This is the one that was in "Tactile Architecture". There were quite a few fire quilts in the Journal Quilt exhibit, but none as good as this, which is too big to be a journal quilt. This one has that sooty, gritty feeling of a burning building.
This man adds a bit of mystery - is he a volunteer fireman? Or the owner of the building? Or...? Ruth has made her guys look very realistic and yet it is all done with straight seams. Notice the watch, which I suppose has an appliqued round face.
I completely missed Ruth's "Nasturtiums" quilt which was in the exhibit "In Full Bloom V: Floral Quilts in the Memory of Helen Pearce O'Bryant. And I don't have an image in my files, but you can see a picture of it in the Gallery on her website. http://www.ruthpowersartquilts.com/
I have to admit my bias - Ruth Powers is my dear friend in Kansas. She is an award winning quilter and her quilts are available, if they haven't already sold. There are two of her pieces in the TCQC.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Quilt Festival LBeach #7 08-04-09

Monday, August 3, 2009
QFestival LBeach #6 Posted 08-03-09
I think this is the most simple sign I saw at the QFestival. Minimalism, indeed.
I cropped this image back to the quilt, but surrounded with the grey computer background it died, so I retreived it.The backgroundt was something I observed when I was looking at the quilt at the QF. One would only want to hang this quilt agaist black, I think. Across the aisle there was a quilt with open work in the center, it would have been more effective against a light background. Something to think about when purchasing quilts for your walls.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Sorry, no quilt tonight. 08-02-09
QFestival LBeach #5 Posted 08-01-09
I am not the only one who was impressed with this quilt. If you Google "Karin Pierce" quilt (yes, IQA spelled her name incorrectly) you will find it mentioned in many blogs and flicker streams. However, I couldn't find a website for Karin - I was hoping to find more information about her and especially about this quilt.
I suppose she said what she wanted to say - but I hoped for much more. How did she decide on the quilting lines? Did she plan them or just start in and let her fancy dictate what to do next? Her hand quilting is quite nice and done in a contrasting thread - that takes some self confidence. She has quilted in branches and leaves and berries and whirligigs and a spider web. They are all mixed up as one might find them in a thicket where the owls hang out.
"Charming" is the closest I can come to describing it. Each owl has its own personality and all are hand embroidered. Look at the different colored feet and notice that some are "eared" owls - either short eared or long eared Some of the owls are holding snakes for their meal.
But this little guy on the end has a special mousy treat!
And there is always the amazement of all the hand work in this era of fusing, painting and machine stitching. I am truly impressed.
Do click on the images to see enlargements.