I am still recovering from my travels! After driving home from a night at Harris Ranch (I-5 and Hwy 198), I unpacked the car, picked up KoKo, and took a nap. Yesterday (Tuesday) I gradually put some things away and took a bunch of naps after joining the Surfside QGuild board meeting on ZOOM. We did our evening walk about 7pm and by 8:30pm I was in my recliner with my book open on my lap, along with KoKo, the lights on, pills untaken, teeth unbrushed. I woke up at 3:30am or so! Took the pills, brushed the teeth, turned out the lights and went back to sleep until after 8am. I think I was overly tired! So, no blog Sunday night at Harris Ranch (laptop still in car) and no blog last night. I did edit some pictures I took at PIQF so I will just post those tonight. There were fewer quilts, fewer people, fewer vendors, but fortunately an abundance of folding chairs around so I could sit frequently. I used my cane and tried to juggle purse, camera, cane, but I am not adept at it. Didn't take as many pictures as I usually do. Everyone was masked so I didn't talk to people as I usually do. Two people recognized me, from my hat no doubt. I did buy a couple yards of fabric and two new vests from Brie Kriebel to replace the one I bought at her booth more than 10 years ago. I have worn it almost daily since the pandemic and it has mends and patches on the mends and patches. It is a great garment and so very comfortable. Check for her booth when you go to a bog quilt show. All this and I have to say what a THRILL it was to be at a quilt show after all the months of isolation. And I was only there on Sunday. We need to attend quilt shows every chance we get so that the shows will be viable and continue to happen. Everyone was masked at all times.

First, of course, a look at the six quilts from the ArtStream group in San Diego. Our theme was "Patterns in Nature" and the size was to be 36"W X 48" L.
Our member Nelda McComb had another quilt hanging in the exhibit from the Quilts on the Wall group.
Following are random pictures of quilts that caught my eye.
About 46"W x 18"L
Bold and daring color that I love.
Benedicte does these wonderful hand painted repeats and appears in many shows I have been to. So simple, so complex.
I am always attracted to points and these are exceptional.
Quite a few quilts reflected the shutdowns of the pandemic around the world.
Past time for KoKo and I to go to bed - again! More images tomorrow.
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