I'll be driving to San Diego tomorrow for the second in person meeting with the art quilters. I have wondered if I could do it because the darn sciatica has come back. But I have been taking it easy, taking pills, and doing specific exercises and it isn't quite as painful as it was earlier in the week. KoKo will visit Nancy and Bud in San Clemente and I will pick him up on the way home. Can't leave him home alone for the six plus hours I will be gone.

I've always wanted a yellow car! But this is definitely not mine! I probably couldn't even get the clutch engaged! But I do see this sort of vehicle while driving I-5 to San Diego. Along with LOTS of Teslas. Don't know why they are so popular with people who drive LA to SDiego. I guess if one has a good charge one can drive down and back without stopping.
Anyway, it promises to be nice weather and not too hot.
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