Friday, May 31, 2024

Friday Food 05-31-24

 Somehow spring time is always salad time for me.  Although I do eat salads all year, they seem more appealing as the weather warms up and the landscape is green and also colorful with flowers.  Here are some memorable lunch salads.

Although Fitness Grill has changed to Versie, the menu is basically the same. I frequently order the salmon salad which is always simply delicious.  Other than scallops I rarely cook seafood at home, so often order it at restaurants. 

Several years ago there was a fad of stuffing the salad in a tall glass and then  upending it  on t he plate; a sort  of  salad tower; this one was at Bowers Museum restaurant.   Very tasty, but one had to flatten it out to eat it. 

Here is a crab salad in an interesting combination.  Don't recall the restaurant. 

Here is a made-at-home salad.  Celery, avocado, oranges,  banana,  dried cranberries, chopped toasted pecans, lactose free cottage cheese.   Not yet added, a drizzle of Brianna's Poppy seed dressing.  

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Thursday, May 30, 2024

Twenty years ago - June 2004 05-30-24

The yearning for a road trip is getting me down,  but I cannot go right now, maybe in late June.   These phots are from June 2004 when I was driving cross country and wandered off the main highway.  Nice to stop and look around and take some photos.   Not sure where I was, could be the very top NW corner of Texas or New Mexico.  Lots of wild, wide open country there. 

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Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Wordless Wednesday 05-29-24


Second bloom - today.

First Bloom - early April.

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Monday, May 27, 2024

Memorial Day 05-27-24

Although no member of my family died in war, my Uncle Gordan was in the Navy stationed in the Aleutians during WWII.  But as a child my family always took flowers to the cemetery for our relatives and friends buried there.  There were always lilacs, iris, daffodils, privet leaves, and Douglas fir branches.  Those are the ones I can remember, anyway.  I loved the mausoleum that has a great curving staircase and marble all around.   I decided that I would get married there and come sweeping down in my long white dress!  What did I know about weddings!

Flower field near Lompoc, CA.  The only way to see it is from the air.  I suppose this photo was taken with a drone.  Wish I could see it  -  from an airplane! 

Along a secondary road in Kansas on Memorial Day, 2011.  I was surprised to find the road lined on both sides with these large flags.  It was a rather rural area with a very small town nearby. 
In 2018 I was on the  road again on Memorial Day.  I was hard pressed to find an open restaurant in Yreka, CA, and ended up here at Jefferson's Roadhouse. Food was good, not many people. 

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Sunday, May 26, 2024

12X12 quilt from Thomas Contemporary Quilt Collection 05-26-24


"Don't Piss Off the Fairies" Ruth Powers 2008 12" square
Cotton Fabric, thread, batting.  Machine pieced and quilted.
This was one of the SAQA 12" X 12" auction quilts in 2009. I am so happy that I was able to add it to the Thomas Contemporary Quilt Collection. Besides the priceless look on this fairy's face, Ruth Powers technical skills are outstanding
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