A gorgeous sunshine filled day! And I was only outside for about ten minutes of Vitamin C. I was busy doing laundry, repacking, sorting and stacking quilts, visiting with Mary and Sylvia, and catching up with e-mail backup. I'm glad you all seemed to enjoy the Ruth McDowell class. I hope you will consider taking her class sometime in the future, it is a great boost to one's creativity. She'll be at Empty Spools again next year this same time, in Kalispell, Montana during June, and teaching classes in NW Massachusetts in July and September. http://www.ruthbmcdowell.com/

"Pheasant" Lynn Czaban Lynn Lynn found some great fabrics for her pheasant, including the violet tail.
This is a view of Jacque's fabric suitcase - very minimal and neat and tidy.
There were 21 students in the class. Having lost my creative mojo I did not actually do a project but worked on two preliminary designs - only on paper. Two students requested that we not photograph their work and I failed to photograph one that I liked a lot - Gail Sheirbon's "Hibiscus"! Which is strange because Gail was sitting back-to-back with me. I hope someone in the class who did photograph her work will send me a copy. Sorry, Gail.