The Book Group I have belonged to for decades went to afternoon tea today - the first time in several years. It just takes someone to set a date and make a reservation - it was my turn and I found this lovely tea room in Orange, CA, "Paris in a Cup" ( ) almost directly across the street from one we went to long ago and it turns out that the same ladies own this new place. We had a great time today.

The seven of us chose five different plates - some with soup. This was the roasted red pepper soup with "Paris" inscribed in Creme Provence which came with a few crackers and a croissant with chicken salad filling.
I had the Baked Potato soup with a rectangular turkey sandwich, one shaped like a flower with creme Provence and a cucumber slice and a croissant filled with yummy chicken salad.
Various little cakes and cookies were served - a tiny lemon tart, a three stack chocolate cake, lovely colorful traditional French macarons . I had a meringue escargot on my plate but no orchid!
There were two versions of this spout drip stopper ("anti-dripper"?), the lemon slice and also a lady bug in red. the outer ring is some sort of hard material and glued to that the inner ring which is like a 'scrunchy' that kids wear in their hair. It has elastic inside to hold it tightly to the spout. Clever - and they sell them in the shop for about four dollars.