You can see about twenty tiny thumbnails of her work at:
Friday, October 31, 2008
More PIQF 10-31-08
You can see about twenty tiny thumbnails of her work at:
Thursday, October 30, 2008
3 more from PIQF 10-30-08
This tight closeup shows the stitching even better.
There are two problems with signs, they are sometimes hung too high for my 5' 4" body and the light reflects off either the paper or the print. So, I try to take a picture that one can read, rather than one that is straight.
Everything Nancy makes is beautifully done. She is an expert at applique, quilting, piecing, designing, etc. and her quilts are flat and squared up. I have a tiny angel she made a few years ago, but someday maybe I will have a larger quilt for the TCQC.
Click on the photo and see how tiny and even the quilting is. You can't see her applique stitches at all. A fabulous piece, Nancy.
Now that I know why some pictures won't enlarge I worked out the order beforehand when I put these on my blog. I had to make a little diagram and had to redo them twice, but finally it works. Seems safe to move them up or down, but not out of the sequence in which they were posted.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Why pictures don't enlarge. 10-29-08
1Innovative+1Traditional Both beautiful 10-29-08
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
One giant quilt from PIQF 10-28-08
If any of you took a picture of the far right panel I would like a copy of it. Let me know by making a comment. Thanks.
Picture added to past post 10-28-08

Monday, October 27, 2008
More PIQF quilts 10-27-08
You can see another quilt made by the Pritts ladies at:
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Quilts from TCQC 10-26-08
I know, it doesn't look like what Carol is doing now, but eight years ago she was experimenting with dyeing and discharging and used the fabrics to make a few quilts. I saw "Ripples in the Pond" in a special exhibit at PIQF and contacted Carol to see if it was for sale. I think she was a little startled to have an e-mail from an unknown lady in California, but she was happy to sell the quilt to me. I like the way the ripples, flames and crossing lines go in all different directions between the calm flat hand-dyed pieces. They give the quilt dynamic action. I like a lot of the quilts Carol has made in the last eight years and took a class with her at Asilomar to see how she goes about her quilt making. I hope some day soon I will be "in the money" again and be able to add another Carol Taylor quilt to the TCQC.