I save things for my blog posts that might be of interest (or not) to some of you or because I think they are interesting. Categorize them as you will!
(Those "peeps" will take over the world!)
I may have posted this one previously, but it has been a great help to me and you may find it helpful also - traveling the 'blog road' can be rough.
There are similar websites out there, some of which are referred to on this one. And I have my own album of "wrack and ruin" photos taken while traveling. Those of you familiar with Art-O-Mat may enjoy this recent post: http://eccentricroadside.blogspot.com/2009/10/art-o-mat-vends-art-good-like.html
Another website that explores offbeat and not-so-offbeat places in our world.
I did roast a little five pound chicken, made some corn "pudding", and cooked the last of the Brussels sprouts for my Xmas dinner. But before I could eat I had to have little rest! I do feel almost like my usual self, but I still seem to run out of steam very fast. Guess I won't be running any marathons anytime soon.
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