I finally made an appointment to have the oil changed in the Lexus - the first one is done at no charge. I called last week and explained the Lexus just needed the first oil change since I have owned it and that the light on the dashboard was telling me so - bugging me. I told them I would need a loaner (because I know how their "one hour" quickly turns into two or three hours. Not a problem, I was told. So I tootled in this morning at 10am armed with a list of errands I could do while they were taking care of my car. They assign me a guy (service assistant?) who proceeds to explain that they don't give loaners to people having an oil change. I explained my point of view and he said that maybe they could get me a rental, as smoke started coming out of my ears. "But," sez he, "if you would like to wait I can expedite it so you won't have to wait long." I was there and I didn't really want to have to come back some other day at 7am in the hope that it wouldn't take hours and hours - so I said, grudgingly, all right. I had my current read with me so I found a chair away from the blaring TV and settled down. To that service department "expedite" means two and a half hours. It was nice that they also gave it a quick wash, but I didn't really have the time. I will start going to my regular local garage where I can go in at 7:39am and be out before 8:30am - as long as I have an appointment. I was really steamed and needed to calm down, so I drove a few blocks to the Corner Bakery, where I sometimes meet my friend Toni for lunch. I ordered a fabulous turkey sandwich and a tall glass of iced water and found a table out on the patio.

One thing I really like about that place, besides the fact that it is colorful, is the palm trees in the patio area. There is also a large fountain that makes a calming murmur and lots of really great people watching. The six ladies + one adult boy child in his Adidas shirt, sitting at the table directly in front of me were having a great time. They were so involved in their laughing and talking and gesticulating that I could just opening stare and they didn't even notice. I never quite figured out what the kid was doing there, but he didn't have anything to say and they pretty much ignored him.
I used to know what species these palms are, but it got lost in my mushy brain somewhere. The wind came up a bit and they were murmuring right along with the fountain. Despite the noise of so many people talking, laughing, answering their phones, scrapping their chairs, etc., it was very calming and just the right temperature. Sometimes it is good to go somewhere alone and just be quiet and look out at the world. The only problem is that I did not get all my errands done and now they will have to wait until Wednesday when I go to pick up Corky for four nights at Camp Del. I wouldn't mind staying at his house where it is so much cooler and, let's face it, more beautiful, but I'm not sure about carrying him up and down the stairs all the time. "Once burned, twice cautious", as one old saying goes. I'm not entirely over the fall I took in August, another would be the end of me, I'm sure.
I have almost finished the Surfside newsletter, but it looks like I will have to add a page to get everything in. I'll worry about that tomorrow, I guess.
Darn - I wrote this earlier in the day yesterday, but forgot to post it before I went to bed. Sorry about that. Del