Saturday, May 18, 2024

Flowers of Spring 05-18-24

Oh, dear me.  Does anyone have as many computer problems as I?  On Thursday evening I typed a long post on my medical problems and  as I went to post it, it  disappeared.  It was not in drafts or sent or anywhere.  So, you  were  left  dangling, sorry about that. I am just dealing with old age problems, nothing new!  I'll  have another spinal shot on June 6th and hope it lasts as well as the  one I had last June. When I have time I will try to reconstruct that doctoring post.  It is late tonight, so I will just share our neighbor's spring flowers.


Oriental Poppy

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Thursday, May 16, 2024

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Philanthropy Quilts 05-14-24

The largest continuing project of Surfside Quilters Guild is philanthropy quilts for various non-profit entities  in Orange County.  At our meetings we have a parade with members holding up donated quilts and walking around the room. I am always amazed at the number and quality of the quilts.  Some are made at home by  members and some are created in the monthly Philanthropy meetings. Some are elaborate, some are very basic.  Some are donated as a stack of blocks, some are "flimsies" (finished tops that need backing, batting, quilting, and binding).  All are examples of the giving  natures of quilters  everywhere.  These are the donations presented at today's Guild meeting. 

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Monday, May 13, 2024

Flowers, 05-13-24

These days I don't seem to do anything very interesting. Just keep up with all the different doctors that are required this old lady world.  Orthopedist, Cardiologist, Urologist, Dentist, Ophthalmologist, Podiatrist, Dermatologist, and soon!  Somehow they all need to be seen in May.  Of course, I take care of KoKo and do our two walks every day.  He sees the vet tomorrow for a wellness check.  But in the morning I go to Surfside Quilters Guild where we celebrate our 15th birthday. Might have some interesting news tomorrow night.

On May 1st I posted a photo of white landscape roses. These are the same blossoms turning pink in their old age.  The are speckled, but they will lose their petals before the entire blossom turns.

They make me think of fairies and butterflies.  

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Sunday, May 12, 2024

Eight  years ago (05-15-16) I posted this quilt by Yvonne Porcella, who is sort of the instigator of "art quilting"  and one of the founders of Studio Art Quilt Associates.

Below is that original post.

Yvonne Porcella quilt added to TCQC 05-15-16

Yvonne Porcella's last exhibit was at Visions Art Museum in San Diego, it was a room full of color and some slightly whacky motifs.  I went back to see it several times before deciding that this quilt had to come home with me.  There was a row of about seven quilts the same size, all brilliantly colored, but the flowers on this one really speak to me.  It is now part of the Thomas Contemporary Quilt Collection - number 314.
"Arnold Marathon"  Yvonne Porcella 2006 15" x 60"
Cotton and silk, Fused, machine pieced and quilted.
The quilt is the same measurement all the way down, but my camera makes it look smaller at the bottom.  So here is an image of just the bottom.  Note the traditional Yvonne striped binding and the wonderful back and white flower stems.  She has used different widths of stripes.  The little nine-patches are cut from checkered fabric - I imagine they hark back to the earlier traditions of quiltmaking.
The petals of this flower are strictly fused with the quilting overlapping slightly in a few places.
Yvonne included Calla Lilies in quite a few of her quilts.
This one has silk petals which are stitched down very well.
A handwritten label with all the basic information.

The back is a solid blue which shows off the quilting.  Notice that Yvonne has written "Do Not Fold", although there are fold lines, so someone can't read.  Fortunately, the lines steamed out well, if not entirely.