Saturday, March 1, 2014

Rain - wonderful rain! 02-28-14

This weed grew about six inches today.  I saw it this morning about 6" tall - by late afternoon it was a foot!

It rained off and on all day, sometimes heavily. There was lightning and thunder and wild winds. I did not go out except to take a few pictures on the patio. I opened the garage door to take some shots out front, unfortunately by the time I had my camera in hand and the door open, the rain let up. I include two similar pictures so I can bitch a bit about living in a parking lot. These were taken during the day when many people are at work. But my neighbors in the cul-de-sac all own multiple cars, plus a motor home and a tent trailer. They have had the tent trailer opened up for about a week and I have wondered if someone was actually living in it! The house on the end at the right has four people and four cars which they park partially over the sidewalk. One of the things we liked when we purchased this house was that people parked their cars in the garage. But almost all of the old, original owners have died or gone to retirement living and the young families seem to have a much different idea of how they want their neighborhood to look. One good thing is that everyone has to have their cars off the street on Mondays for the street sweeper. It is a lovely sight with no cars parked along the curb, but there are those who have four cars parked in their driveway/sidewalk. There, I got that off my chest - thanks for listening!

Friday, February 28, 2014

Rain and continuing computer problems 02-27-14

I have figured out a way to type before I post pictures, but not after. The blog page looks different and I have to do the pictures twice to get them to show. Anyone else having these problems? I know one online friend who has been in the same fix. Trouble is... my schedule is so full right now that I can't spend hours on the phone waiting for some tech in a distance place to attempt to help me. Woe is I! The rain woke me up at 1:30am and it continued from very hard to "hardly" until about noon. Haven't seen rain for so many months that it was a joyful experience to just stand and the window and watch it twinkle in the street lights. We are threatened with a huge storm tonight that might even include some small tornadoes (yes, we do have them here, but they are very rare and have never been as destructive as they are in places like Oklahoma) Here are some trees upside down in a raindrop.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Wordless Wednesday - Portal with Ristras 02-26-14

Computer better, but it is still sick! 02-25-14

This is a potted cylamen - they are for sale everywhere this year. Or maybe I am just noticing them more. People who have cylamen in their yards are enjoying early bloom, as long as they have watered correctly. I attempted a cyclamen quilt using Ruth McDowell's methods, but cut it up for scrap when I couldn't make it work. That has been some years ago and I am thinking I might try again.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Looking back at TCQC 02-23-14

I started showing quilts from the Thomas Contemporary Quilt  Collection in 2007 and this is one of the first I shared.  It is "Quenching Rain" by Melody Johnson.  It is 16.5" wide and 16.75" long.  Melody's method is fusing and piecing with both machine and hand quilting.  This quilt was inspired Melody lives in Tennessee which suffered a drought in 2007. When the rain came it was so welcome and life giving that she expressed her joy in this quilt Her work is distinctive, so colorful and full of stylized motifs that it is easily recognized. When she posted this quilt on her website I was smitten. One unusual feature is that she used vintage fabric along with her usual intensely colored, hand dyed fabric. Hand dyed cotton fabrics created by the artist, vintage cottons Fused, hand and machine quilted