Saturday, May 25, 2024

More Flowers 05-25-24

Temperatures are rising, but only in the 70s, and the bougainvillea are great piles of color.  They grow  into great piles or walls of color and with the support of a wall can attain 40' or so.  The thorns are vicious, requiring great care when trimming.  I will never have them in my yard again - too treacherous.  The vivid color red/pink/burgundy/orange/white  is from the bracts supporting the flower, that tiny white dot that is hardly noticeable.  They do not have a fragrance. 

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Friday, May 24, 2024

Quilts from the Past! 05-24-24

I was looking for a particular image from long ago and came across some photos of quilts I have made in the past.   Some I still have, but most have been sold or gifted to others.  Several were made specifically for Surfside Monthly Minis, but most were made just because I had the idea and wanted to make them.

This is a  group quilt with blocks made by friends of Judy House, who I met at Empty Spools/ Asilomar in the 1990s.  The blocks came from all over the USA and I was tasked to put them together.  I do not remember why we chose chickens as the theme, or why we didn't have a size restriction; like divisible by two inches.  So, the  blocks were every size and very difficult to put together.  One lady did the "Chicken/Egg strip in the top right corner, which I split to  make a corner, so I use her lettering to add a few more words.  And I made a few very small blocks and strips to fill in.  This was the first time I put together a quilt like this, it was very difficult, but I am extremely proud of the way it turned out. 

Judy submitted it to this quilt show and I was extra proud!
Judy died of cancer and the quilt was donated to a children's hospital in Virginia (I think).  

"Cactus Flower"  Del Thomas 2004
This quilt orginated in Ruth B. McDowell's class at Empty Spools.  I did the design in class, but selected the fabrics and sewed it together at home.  FMQ with my "original" flower design.  It is unique because I used puff paint to make the dots in the center - the  only time I have used paint on a quilt.  This picture was taken at Back Porch Fabrics in Pacific Grove when I had a one person exhibit there.   

"Jack" 2013  A Monthly Mini quilt
"Summer Garden" 2013  A Monthly Mini quilt
"Sunset Strip: South Pacific  2013

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Thursday, May 23, 2024

Friday Food 05-23-24

I am still working on losing weight.  About fifty pounds since sometime last fall.   The only "rules" are eating less of everything and eating one cookie instead of five!  I have always had a "sweet tooth" and while I was growing up dessert was always part of the meal. To force me to eat something I didn't like (liver comes to mind) mom would threaten to withhold dessert. Usually worked!    Here are some pictures I have taken of delicious offerings at many different restaurants.  

A sample plate at Summit House in Fullerton.  Four diners, I took the creme brulee.

An unusual offering at a casual lunch spot.  They were all perfect, just missing a glass of milk. 

Cheesecake is always a good choice - if nothing else looks better!

Below the luscious top is equally delicious cake. 

One or two fillings are raspberry.  M-m-m-m!

At home, especially in the summer, I enjoy lactose free vanilla ice cream with berries or melted chocolate chips.  

In the summer when my meal is a fruit salad I restrain myself and don't have dessert.  

Now I have made myself hungry.  Guess I'll have a few chocolate chips to take the sweet tooth edge off.      

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Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

KoKo 05-21-24

 We are too tired tonight to do any computer work.  

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Flowers 05-20-24

There are always flowers blooming somewhere along our walking paths, but most of the yards are rather evergreen with rather large bushes, some with blooms.  

The very common hibiscus,  some of which have blooms most of the year.  Loving yellow,  as I do, this one is my local favorite. 

Right nest to the yellow is this simple red-orange that doesn't bloom as profusely.

For indoor flowers nothing beats the waxed amaryllis bulbs.  This white on bloomed early in April and I loaned it to a neighbor to enjoy while I went to Empty Spools.  She returned it about a week ago and now it is blooming again.  I will plant it outside in the pot with the red ones. 

Bird of Paradise is a very common plant here.  Frequently seen in parking lots and inside and outside of malls.  They do have peak blooming periods, but there seem to by a few blooming anytime. 

They do come in different varieties.  Maybe this is a double...or a triple!

The Mexican Bird of Paradise will be blooming soon.  This photo was late May several years ago in Lake Havasu City.   Quite a different plant that just Bird of Paradise. 

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Sunday, May 19, 2024

Quilt from TCQC 05-19-24

Here is another 12X12 quilt from the SAQA online auction -  Purchased in 2012, a long 12 years before  I took her six day printing class in February this year.  This was before she started using her own printed fabric almost exclusively.  I learned a lot in her class this year,  primarily that printing fabric takes a lot of stamina and hard work.  I did print some pieces that I like very much, but doubt if I will do much more printing.   However, I am more than willing to buy what she prints and maybe  another of her fascinating quilts.

Pat Pauly quilt from SAQA online auction      01-06-13

I was so taken with Pat Pauly's "Pink Leaf 2" in the Quilt National exhibit at San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles last spring that I went home and looked up her website.  I'm impressed with her work and hope to add a large quilt to the Collection.  Meanwhile I am enjoying this 12"x12" piece - a great combination of colors and textures.  

"Petite Mummy 2"  Pat Pauly - New York  2012  12"x12"
Commercial and hand-dyed fabrics are stamped, foiled and machine quilted.

I asked Pat about the title - what does the quilt have to do with mummies?  She replied that "The form of the mummy bag, just like the one that is used to sleep in while camping, is a stand-in for a person or personality.  So, they become 'figures' so to speak."
This type of foiling, like it has weathered away, is pleasing to my eye.
A commercial batik and a nice hand-dye with yellow scribbles on the red.
Pat has machine stitched her last name and the year on the lower right corner of the front. 
A nice "pebbled" batik on the back. 
But no label!  Instead she has attached a business card.  I haven't decided how to deal with this.  Maybe sew a little net pouch on the back to encase the card.  I have written the size (and it really is 12 inches square) and the year.
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