Saturday, February 8, 2025

Looking back one year. Feb 8, 2025

Last year this week I was in San Diego taking a dye painting class with Pat Pauly.   What a rood experience that was.  I shared an  AirB&B with Pat, only a few blocks from the spacious two room classroom.  There were  some amazing artists in  the group  - some experience, but mostly, like me, very much beginners.  Pat is a great teacher and  keeps things moving along.   We pressed, stroked, rubbed, stamped, rubbered, stenciled, painted...... well, anything one can to with thickened dye on fabric.  Messy, but amazingly freeing to the creative spirit.   I haven't kept track of who made most  of these pieces, but each student created to their own tune.

All the pieces are in their faw state: unrinsed, washed, or pressed. 

Using a piece of truck tire tread picked up on I-5.

Some students see things more realistic. 

We also dined out - very well.

Now, a year later, I am recovering from the RSV and coughing much less.  Hope to feel well enough tomorrow to maybe walk around the  cul de sac with KoKo.  

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Friday, February 7, 2025

Friday Food February 8, 2025


Served in the Indian style - chicken,  cold fruit/veggies, cut plantains, rice w/peas & carrots.

Thick veggie stew, pan-fried white potatoes, skinny green beans with onions and ?.

Since I started occasionally driving two neighbor boys to school, their mother, Mariam,  sometimes offers me meals when she cooks plenty.  I never say no!
 She grew up in southern India and is an excellent cook.  I don't always know what I am eating and sometimes have to add some plain yogurt to tame the spice, but it is all delicious.   This past week she has sent over three evening meals, usually enough to  have some "plan-overs" for lunch the next day. I do have food in the house, but low energy and coughing make real cooking more than I can handle. 

It is so special to have wonderful friends and neighbors who will help out.  I enjoy living alone and get along nicely in daily life, however, there are times that I need support and am reassured that help is available. 

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Thursday, February 6, 2025

Lovely Rain Thursday, Feb 6, 2025

The most rain I have seen in almost a year - I hear it drumming on the metal patio cover.   So welcome here, if not too heavy to create mud slides in the burn areas.

I went to the new Primary doctor today, Lila Kim.  She listened well, asked good questons, gave me some assurance that I can survive RSV, and sent me home to  rest-in-bed, drink plenty of (especially warm/hot) liquids, take my meds accurately,....and I'll  be well soon - maybe 3-4 days!  Although she didn't phrase it this way she seems to think I am doing  okay for an old widow lady.  We did not spend much time on all my other issues, but they aren't going away and we can get into those later.

I have such caring friends and neighbors.  Anna and her daughter Barb walked KoKo twice and brought me an slice of pizza for an afternoon snack. The boys in the cul-de-sac brought dinner prepared by their mother, Mariam:  chicken, couscous, plantain, and a yummy side of hot, grated beets.  

Sick I may be, but blessed.  

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

My timing is terrible! Wednesday, 02-05-25


KoKo and Froggy napping on my outstretched legs.

When I wrote on Monday morning I was feeling lousy, but had high hopes of improvement.   Wrong.  I had visited the Urgent Care where they diagnosed BSV and I went back on Monday afternoon  when they said  go  to  ER because I needed more care. Stubborn, as always, I didn't.  So, yesterday noonish I asked my friend Dick to take me to ER. The coughing was so severe I couldn't catch my breath. Great spasms, chest rattles, not much  fluid coming out.  Why am I describing this disgusting state?   GET THE VACCINES!  I kept putting it off. Probably picked up a particle at Road to California. I did enjoy the quilts, but not what I bought for about $7: BSV, a prograok six  hours m, and two styluses to use to type long texts on  my phone.    Yesterday after six hours, all the tests, x-ray, inhalation therapy, shots, and suggestions from the ER doc that he admit me to the hospital, I came home and coughed all night. I only slept about two hours, but the  patients in the hospital slept, not having to listen to me all the night long. 
The cough is less sever and shorter, my nose  is dripping, I slept a few hours  during the day, my friend Dick picked up more meds, friend Anna  walked KoKo twice, and the Boys mother, Mariam, brought me chicken/rice/veggies for dinner.  I am a fortunate gal.   But at my advance!d this or turn it into pneumonia.  need to be still, not talk much, rest, drinking plenty  of fluids, etc...
I  must learn my lesson:  GET THE VACCINES 

Here is one I really enjoyed at the Road to California:


Monday, February 3, 2025

I hope to be back for good, but no promises! 02-03-25

It is after midnight and I have an early morning to take the boys to school, leaving here at 6:45am!  But I am feeling guilty for not starting my blog up again, as promised. I am suffering from RSV respiratory syncytial virus}, probably because I didn't ever get the  vaccine. get the vaccine, this is not something you want to  experience.

I will restart with a quilt, since it is Sunday.

"Grid Interrupted"  Paula Kovarik  - Tennessee. 2024.  57" sq

When Paula is not pleased with a finished quilt, or if it doesn't sell, she cuts it up and sews the little  pieces into another arrangement. The pieces here are straight stitched or zigzagged together, so there are holes all around.  Lots of intricate quilting of shapes, doodling, motifs, all holding it together. 

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