Saturday, March 1, 2025
Food - Again! 03-01-25
Friday, February 28, 2025
Friday Food 02-28-25
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
February almost gone! 02-26-25
I have essentially lost 22 days of this month! The RSV has stolen it, leaving me with just a few days to try to catch up. I need to have some lab tests, an X-ray, and a haircut! Usually do that early in the month, I am feeling pretty shaggy.
Thanks to Dottie, I have Amazoned two possible solutions to my cane problem. One is a sort of large tie-tie that twists around the cane and forms a hook. The other is the "glue" Sugru that can be shaped and glues to many different kinds of surfaces. Interestingly the name comes from the Irish for "play". I'm sure this is the product I remember reading about several years ago, but I didn't think to look for a glue. I was thinking and searching for plastic clay. I never know how to word a search.
Today was 81F here and tomorrow 86F is predicted. I said awhile back that it looked as if we would not have a winter this year, seems like I guess correctly. We have had some cold temps, but never down even to 40F at night. Sure hope some rain falls soon.
Lots of illness going around all over the country. Wear a mask, wash your hands, avoid crowds. Be safe. Stay well.
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Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Waiting for Dave 02-25-25
Monday, February 24, 2025
Fixing things 02-24-25
After 25 Years I still miss my late husband, Floyd, in many ways. And one big lack is his handiness. His degrees were in Mechanical Engineering, but he had a natural curiosity and ability to figure out how to make or fix just about anything. Based on our years together, I can sometimes come up with a fix for something, but don't have the skill or dexterity to carry it out. I bought a collapsible cane to always carry in my car, but it doesn't have enough of a hook to hang it on anything. I need some kind of material to form a lump on the long side of the handle. I know there must be something on the market that would be formable and permanently stick to the plastic. Any Ideas?
I am FINALLY recovering from the RSV virus. Today we did 5511 steps/2.35 miles walking in the park and around the neighborhood. I also went to my Fitness appointment and felt energized when I walked out. Good progress.
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Sunday, February 23, 2025
Quilt by Del Thomas 02-23-25
I made this quilt in 2005 using a Ruth B. McDowell pattern from her Pieced Flowers book. I titled it "Iris for Mom", although my mother died in 1972 this is the colors of her favorite iris. It is usually hanging somewhere in the house because I like to be reminded of her love of flowers, iris especially.
"Iris for Mom" Del Thomas 2005 20" L X 22"W
Cotton fabric, thread, batting. Machine pieced and quilted.