Thursday, December 31, 2009
The last shadow of 2009 12-31-09
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
A Friend 12-29-09

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Monday, December 28, 2009
Rachel Maus Workshop for Surfside QG 12-28-09

Sunday, December 27, 2009
"Middlesex Fells - Late Fall" 12-27-09
If you click to enlarge you will be able to see the fabric insertion where she has used some of the fancy stitches on her Pfaff of the moment.
On the back of this quilt Ruth has used a furnishing cloth printed with large colorful parrots and tropical foliage and flowers: note her hand printed label and also the TCQC label above it. The fancy backing fabrics she uses make her quilts so distinctive and special. Although I had previously used some 'fancy' backs on quilts, I didn't go berserk until after I had a class with Ruth - guess she gave me "permission" even if unconsciously.
I am feeling better every day and tomorrow I am going to keep my committment to take a workshop offered by the Surfside Quilters Guild. I have been waiting a long time, through many delays, so I am excited about it. If I run out of steam I will just curl up under a table and have a nap! I've been getting really good at napping.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Miscellaneous 12-25-09

Christmas Eve Day 12-24-09
My catty-corner neighbor has slowly, but steadily, been improving his yard and now has these brilliant blossoms in the front corner flower bed to brighten our Christmas season.
Hot pink and bright orange - a traditional Mexican color combo.
Christmas in SCalifornia.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Portrait of the Eggplant. 12-22-09
Getting better + pied billed grebes 12-21-09
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Corky being princely 12-20-09
Shaking all over usually deters the photographer.
Followed by some staring.
Then some head shaking.
And rubbing face and ears all over the chair.
He has been a little devil today, bossing me around and barking uncontrollably when he doesn't get his way. He is used to being "top dog". Two of his favorite people, John and Diane, recently added a poodle/schnauzer to their household, which had been dog less. Corky took one look at that usurper standing in HIS kitchen and proceeded to piddle all over the floor!! I guess everyone was so shocked they couldn't move to stop him. He will no longer have anything to do with John - even when John proffers a baby carrot - Corky's favorite treat. John and Diane are receiving the ultimate Poodle Prince freeze out
My cough is much better and I will go home tomorrow. I am still taking all the medications and will continue until they are gone. But I will have to be careful to take them AFTER I have to drive somewhere as one of them makes me sleepy - resulting in a number of naps during the day. Dr. D. says they are good for me. Cough, cough!
I'll try to post a TCQC quilt tomorrow afternoon sometime.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Xmas lights and a shocking image 12-19-09
Goodbye "eggplant" & more coughing 12-18-09
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Before the rain 12-05-09 Posted 12-17-09
Almost like sand dunes the way the hills interlock and curve. The firebreaks are carved by graders and other equipment along the tops of the ridges to stop wildfires from going over the top and down the other side. If you click on the picture it will enlarge and you can see that this is old cattle country by the horizontal ridges created by years of cows finding the easiest way to the other side.
On the left in the distance you can see a double fire break and in the foreground on the right a clump of brush and live oak that has survived fires in the past. Sometimes I can imagine these barren looking hills as the flanks of giant lions resting in the sun. Shades of "Out of Africa".