Sunday, September 16, 2007

Lattes with a friend. Sep 16,2007

My friend Liz Williams met me for coffee this morning at a Starbucks. Even though Liz has a full time job, I consider her my "chasing around" friend. We go to local quilt shows, on shopping excursions, out for lunch and have driven up to Pacific Grove and back a number of times to attend the Empty Spools Quilting Conferences. Liz is a great traveling companion, always game to stop and see things along the way. I had Corky with me this morning so we chose a Starbucks with a nice patio and I carried his 'boat bed' (so called because it is shaped like a skiff) so he wouldn't have to lay on the dirty cement. If one wants a white dog one must take steps to keep him white! He was so good and stayed in his bed all the time we were drinking and gabbing. Whenever we have coffee anywhere I think of these two very special lattes - aren't they cute?

This is how they serve lattes at Jeannine's American Cafe in Montecito (there is a sister cafe in Santa Barbara), our favorite lunch stop on Hwy 101. We had previously been served w/smiley faces and stars, but I thought the barista went out of his way on these we were served this past March. When Elizabeth Barton and I stopped last month my latte was without a picture. Just like a child I was disappointed and didn't think it tasted as good as those I had in the past!
Corky is home in his own bed tonight and we don't have another 'date' for almost a month. I always miss him a lot after we have spent several weekends together.

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