Saturday, October 6, 2007

From my picture files 10-05-07

I' m not sure my life is interesting enough to have a daily Blog! I don't like to show work-in-progress and I don't finish enough quilts to fill 365 days a year. So, I will dip into my Picasa II files.

When I was in Seattle in August 2004 I visited the Air Museum, because they had an exhibit of art quilts and I had an afternoon free. The art quilts were nice, but seemed very much out of place on one long wall in a hanger filled with airplanes. It was very clean and they were nicely displayed, but...! Also showing were a number of these sculptures (I think that is what they would be called) made of scissors suspended in resin (?). The scissors were taken from passengers at preboarding scanning and sold as surplus in large lots. Other sculptures included just about anything that could possibly be used as a weapon - knives, screwdrivers, guns, box cutters, ice picks, files, a button hook (surely a collector, eh?), even a small rectangular omelet pan, handle and all. I had not flown since 9/11 and though I seen the reports and heard about the difficulties from friends, I had no idea the variety of things confiscated. I was amazed that someone would make art from these forbidden items.

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