Thursday, November 29, 2007

Background ready 11-29-07

Here is the background for a new quilt (approx. 24" x 42"), I hope to finish machine sewing the fused applique tomorrow. When that is done I will then apply more fused applique, sandwich the layers and do the actual quilting. It works best for me that way. It will be a sort of tongue in cheek quilt and maybe I am the only one who will 'get it', but I have to make it because I think it will be so very witty.

I bought this cone of Superior cotton thread at PIQF and it has been 'burning a hole in my thread drawer'! In reality it is a brighter green, but for some unknown reason when I send it from Picasa to Blogger the image becomes more muted. Anyone know why? At any rate, I think it is the perfect green for this quilt, although I will use several different threads at various stages.

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1 comment:

Christine Thresh said...

I like it so far. Keep us posted.