Friday, December 14, 2007

"All Thumbs" 12-14-07

"All Thumbs" Del Thomas 2003 14.5"W x 14"L

Almost five years ago I made this quilt and also one titled "All Thumbs #2" with the same theme - the name refers to how we all feel when we are first learning to do something, like Free Motion Quilting.

The reason I am posting this today is that I have a REAL fat thumb, because I closed it in the door of the van. Can you believe it? About sixty years ago my stepfather closed the fingers of my left hand in the car door and it hurt so bad I have always remembered to be careful. This time I dropped my keys just as I pushed the door closed and was afraid they had fallen inside the door, so I grabbed for it. There I was with my thumb stuck in the partially closed locked door and, lucky me, the keys on the pavement. If there had been anyone close by I would have asked for help. Fortunately, I could reach my keys with a little gyration and was able to click the button to unlock the door. Of course, it is my right thumb - creating a bit of a problem for me to do much of anything. I put ice on it, still have ice on it and I hope the swelling goes down soon. Hard to type with eight fingers and one thumb. Oh,yes! It does hurt, hurt, hurt!
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1 comment:

Christine Thresh said...

Poor Del. Ouch.
Your "All Thumbs" quilt made me laugh out loud.