Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Dried Out! 01-22-08

All of my life I have been ... well, juicy. Shampoo for oily hair, face cream for oily skin, double deodorant for moist oxters, etc. Nobody told me that when I got old (or mature as my doctor says) I would dry up and require everything for dry skin! At Road I worked with fabric, which absorbs the oil in my hands, and washed my hands many times a day with cold water, because that was all that was available, and soap that I carry with me. Now I have dried up, rough, chapped, red, uncomfortable hands. Above are most of the 'treatments' I have on hand, along with Bag Balm, Udder Cream and Zack's Crack Cream. The jar in front with the violet lid and also the box in front are from France. In the box is a tube of Au Ver a Soie, a hand cream that is sold in the USA at embroidery/needlepoint shops - it is the most expensive item in my 'arsenal' - and it is supposed to lead to hands smooth enough to work with fine silk embroidery threads. I am trying every possible combination and hope that I will have soft, lovely, smooth hands soon. But I am not holding my breath! Guess being dried up is one of the perils of ageing.

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Terry Grant said...

Me too. Life is a quest for comfortable shoes and the perfect moisturizing lotion these days! For hands, I find bag balm slathered before going to bed works the best. The smell is icky. I rub it in especially around each fingernail and it has helped keep fingernails less brittle and fewer snaggy cuticles and hangnails. The cold weather wreaks havoc on my hands, but I can't seem to get the habit of wearing gloves, which I know would help.

Del said...

Yes, Bag Balm works great. I do wear it to bed when I am out of all other options - I find the odor somewhat sickening. And I wear cotton gloves in the hope of keeping the odor contained. They help a little - until I remove them in my sleep. I can't seem to train myself to sleep with gloves on.