Sunday, March 16, 2008

The hallmark 03-15-08

I've mentioned in a previous post (01-09-08) that all of my quilts have a bird on them somewhere - it is sort of a hallmark. It may appear as part of the design, in the fabric, quilted, appliqued, painted, drawn, etc.. For "Color Bowls - Two" a bird doesn't go with the subject of the quilt, so this one is quilted in. I hope the purchaser doesn't read my blog so it will be a surprise for her.

On the front it is difficult to see, which is as it should be. The eye is a French knot made with sewing thread.

It is slightly easier to find the bird from the back, but as with most of my quilts it has a very busy back. I have yet to put an eye on this side.

Click the images for a larger view.

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1 comment:

jpsam said...

Nice! Very nice!
