Thursday, June 12, 2008

Birds in the park 06-11-08

Corky will be with me for twelve days, so I am getting that daily walk that the doctor keeps prescribing. One place we walk is at Tri-Cities Park - where I was involved in a duckling rescue not long ago.
Today there were fewer birds than usual, Corky ignores them, but I find them fascinating.

These are Egyptian ducks. They frequent ponds and lakes across the country and presumably in Egypt.

This is a grackle (and a mallard lurking behind the rock). It looks a little like a crow, but is smaller and has a tail out of proportion with its body. They are always found around water. In some areas there are boat-tailed grackles whose tails are even longer and flare more at the end. Grackles are gregarious and as a flock they make a lot of noise.

A common crow, which also forms flocks and can be deafening. We have not had as many crows around here since the bird virus killed off a lot of them a few years ago. It seems that they are repopulating the area - new birds or descendants of those that survived.

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