Sunday, September 21, 2008

Quilts from TCQC 09-21-08

The Thomas Contemporary Quilt Collection continues to grow. This fascinating quilt by Linda Colsh arrived last week after the traveling exhibit it was in concluded. I actually bought it in May 2007 when I saw Linda at the Studio Art Quilt Associates Conference in Athens, Ohio. Linda is an American, but currently lives in Belgium in connection with her husband's job, and she had carried from home several quilts for a traveling exhibit. I liked this one best and paid for it, agreeing that it would not come to me until after the last venue of the traveling exhibit. I'm so happy it is here now and hanging in my "prime" spot where I always hang the newest quilt - unless it is too large for that wall!

"Ewe Alone" Linda Colsh 2007 25-1/2" square

Artist's Statement: This the second in a small series about one's place in the vast universe - both the universe of place and also the universe that is time. Here, a cold and aloof ewe, very alone, stares out at her world, commanding it, daring the elements, staking out HER place.

Linda uses various surface design techniques to create the fabric patterns. Using images from her own drawings and photographs, she has applied computer printing and silk screening to plain white fabric. The fabric is then cut up and pieced together to make the front of the quilt. This piece is Machine Pieced and Machine Quilted.

Linda's quilts are seen in all the major exhibits, both in the USA and Europe.

She has donated a 12" square quilt to the online auction of the Studio Art Quilt Associates. It is on Page four at:

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1 comment:

Kristin L said...

Linda's work has such a quiet elegance. She's one of my favorites.