Monday, November 17, 2008

Quilt from TCQC 11-16-08

This is the first quilt I purchased from a Visions exhibit. I thought it was wonderful from the first moment I looked at it. It happened that Britt was at the Visions opening in 2002, so we were able to meet and I took this picture of her with her quilt. She lives in Oberlin, Ohio, and did not make the trip to Oceanside this year.

Britt Friedman - November 2002

"Winter Tree" 2002 Britt Friedman 27"W x 34.5"L

In 2002 there were not very many quilt makers using photos on fabric, so this seemed very different. I was at the gallery one day when two older ladies came through and found flaws in every quilt. They seemed to like this one until they got really close; one leaned in for a two inch view and declaimed, "Why all that is just a photograph. That's cheating." I swallowed my laughter and drifted away, but I'm sure they found something wrong with every quilt in the gallery. Funny how some people 'enjoy' an exhibit, isn't it?

I don't see much of Britt's work, she doesn't have a website so I cannot give you the URL. In May 2007 I saw one of her quilts at Quilt National 2007 in Athens, Ohio, and I coveted that one also. Unfortunately, by the time I saw it someone else had purchased it. So, all I have is a picture. Here are some websites that have a picture of one of her quilts:

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dee said...

Beautiful quilt. The quilters in this area are very traditional and tend to be snarky about anything that doesn't fit the usual pattern. It's sad and makes quilt show viewing annoying sometimes. I guess they don't subscribe to the old adage "if you can't say something nice....
I watched the news last night and thought of you. Your pictures are frightening and I hope life, and breathing, become more easy very soon.

Christine Thresh said...

I think Britt's quilt is marvelous. The "cheating" comment by the ladies is so funny.

Holly Knott said...

It's stunning. So glad you posted a photo of this piece as tree quilts are some of my favorite themes.

meggie said...

Loved seeing this creative piece. Plus all the others of course. Wonderful!

Kristin L said...

This is such an interesting quilt. It's hardly cheating to use photo like this when Britt has altered it beautifully. Thanks for sharing!

P.S. I hope the smoke is finally clearing. Having grown up in So Cal, I know that having fire and earthquake insurance (as well as uninsured motorist coverage) was always VERY important!