I made a stop at Back Porch Fabrics Shop this afternoon. They had received a shipment of new fabric earlier and were in the process of putting it out on the shelves. What goodies! But I did restrain myself and only bought two half yards + a one yard piece. Of course, I could stop back tomorrow when I am in Pacific Grove again. When you walk out of the shop and look to your right the image above is the view down the street with Monterey Bay at the bottom and the hills around Santa Cruz across the water.
Look slightly to the left and you see this gazebo in the park with the large deodar trees and the blue sky. It looks like a lovely day, but mostly it rained - from gentle mist to pounding downpours. Then the sun would come out again for an hour or so.
There was a farmer's market on Lighthouse Street, but only about eight vendors. I was struck by the beauty of this cauliflower. I had only seen white and green previously - aren't these colors wonderful?
What an image! I wonder if the purple and gold retain their color when cooked. These come from a local organic farm.
I've been to Back Porch Fabrics many times while in Pacific Grove attending Asilomar classes! It's a lovely store, very bright, cheerful, and colorful! There's always tons of inspiration to be found there! The weather on your trip seems to be very nice...lucky you!
Such beautiful photos. Thanks for taking me along on your journey.
I just heard a rumor that the Hand Maiden is closing. True? Figure since you were just in Pacific Grove you'd know the scoop.
April is rapidly approaching!
Hand Maden is still open, but I have heard the rumor several times since I have been here. Back Porch seems to be going strong.
ha ha -you have no idea how encouraging it is to see that I am not the only one who comes away with something I think is pathetic from a class. But really, you are not expected to finish the work - only to begin it.
What did you learn?
Couldn't resist answering your curiosity question: does the purple retain it's color?
No - actually - it bleeds into a dark "blue", which is not particularly attractive in food. So, after one serving of cooked purple cauliflower, the rest of the delicious veggie was eaten raw. It's mild and delightful that way. You learn something all the while, don't you???
Thanks for your wonderful posts of this trip. Upstate NY has been cold this winter; nice to see the rest of the country.
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