On stage with her two quilts being held up, she looks more uncomfortable.

By this time her knees were shaking. We hope she will come back next year with more quilts to share and that she will be more comfortable. Guess it could be scary to be in front of around 160 quilt makers to show your first quilts. Good on her for being so brave.
In the background you can see two quilts made by our speaker, guild member Diane Collins, who shared a giant stack of her own creations - wonderful quilts from her many years of quilting. And each had a great story to go with it. Thanks, Diane.
I hope Wynnie relaxed after the show and tell. I am sure the members praised her work.
Standing up in front of 160 quilters is enough to give anyone the jitters.
How lovely that she could get to show her work to adults. I'm sure that she gained from the experience -- provided she doesn't sweat the stage fright.
oooh - what courage for that young artist! I love it. And Diane's cow quilt is just too charming for words. Thanks for sharing.
Brave little quiltmaker!
Love those Diane Collins quilts.
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