Saturday, November 28, 2009

Brussels Sprouts 11-28-09

When I was in Trader Joe's on Tuesday I was surprised to see Brussels sprouts on the stalk. In the past I have only seen them sold this way at farmer's markets or upscale stores that feature unusual products - which I guess could describe TJoe's!

After I put a stalk in my shopping basket at least six different people stopped me to ask what I was buying. I suppose there are a great many people who aren't familiar with BSprouts, much less those little darlings on the stalk.

The long things sticking out are the leaf stems - the leaves are whacked off in the field, no time for carefully trimming them off down between the sprouts, close to the stalk. Notice that the sprouts grow in spiral rows up the stalk. There is an inspiration for design if I've ever seen one!

When I bought the stalk I was sure I could find a neighbor or a friend who would like to have some of them, but I have not. Since I am going to be gone for about a week I don't think they will last, so I will have to put them in the garbage tomorrow before I leave. I have eaten some, but not enough to assuage my conscience - what a waste. They are so delicious.

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June said...

I love fresh brussel sprouts and you are right -- they are hard to find. And terrible if not fresh.

Drive carefully. And say hello to Portland for me. And take care of yourself.

Unknown said...

Blanche and freeze them! Works like a dream and they still taste great!

Stay safe!


Susan Turney said...

Wow! I've never seen them before either! My girlfriend "juliennes" them and sautes them in butter with a little sugar. Yum!

Corky said...

I can't say as I've seen sprouts in the wild before either so can almost understand the shoppers asking you about them.

Eva said...

This is the first time I've seen them on the stalk! How interesting. We have them in the supermarket every day, but always trimmed.