Saturday, January 16, 2010

Corky & dog flowers 01-15-10

I took Corky with me to see Dr. Debin this morning. He always cheers up the nurses, patients and, of course, Dr. Debin. They just can't get over how well behaved he is and how patient with their attention and pats - he, of course, just thinks that a Poodle Prince deserves to be admired. Dr. Debin gave me a sort of "release" from my coughing ailment, but told me to take it easy for a little longer. I don't have much choice - I feel exhausted about half way through the afternoon, even if I haven't done much of anything. Today after the doctor's office I drove Corky to LBeach, had a sandwich, carried him upstairs once, arranged the "dog flowers" and then I needed a nap! The "dog flowers" are something I started doing not long after I became Corky's nanny in 1997. This cement dog with a basket in his mouth sits on Corky's front porch and the empty basket bothered me. I tried live plants, but the exposure is not good for whatever I planted, so I switched to silk flowers. I do them seasonally, so these are for Valentine's Day. They add some color to the porch which is rather plain. Corky likes to watch me work and keep track of who is going up and down the street. He waits until I am done and then rips up the damp paper towel I use to wipe off the dog - it has usually dried to the perfect ripping texture for him. What is it with dogs and paper towels and TP?
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Christine Thresh said...

What a cute picture. Nice little story, too.

BarbR said...

Dell, your symptoms sound a lot like asthma to me. Has your doctor said anything about that condition? My girlfriend is experiencing similar symptoms and received treatment for asthma. Our volcano, VOG, is a horrible irritant. I hope your energy picks up quickly and you are back to normal. BarbR on Oahu

Patty ♣ said...

Thanks for the smile and giggle! The flowers look very festive! How nice of you to see something that needs doing and then acting on it!
Keep on getting better!
Loved seeing the Poodle Prince again!