Sunday, February 14, 2010

Color for Valentine's Day 02-14-10

It was a summer day with temperature up to 82F and it was very clear. If I had some extra time I might have gone searching for that "perfect" shot of the snow capped mountains. With the temperature soaring they are not as snow capped as last week, but the snowboarding is reported to still be great. Liz and I stayed in suburbia and had coffee at Starbuck's. This tropical Bird of Paradise was so brilliant in the landscaped area of the parking lot. There weren't a lot of blooms, just enough so that they would be noticed. In a few weeks I suppose there will be hundreds of blooms. Such graphic blossoms.
I stopped for gas at the cheapest station around and had to wait in line for a pump. But it was worth it when this 'chrome king' pulled up in the next line. The angle doesn't show how RED it is, perfect for Valentine's day. I think this is a 1957 Dodge - a Coronet Lancer, perhaps. I guessed the Dodge part, but had to Google to get the model. A perfect car for perfect SCalifornia sunshine. Sure takes me back to my early days in SCal - I moved here in 1957.

This old geezer wasn't really friendly, although I did tell him what a great car he had. He probably thought I was trying to pick him up! He somewhat resembles Liz's husband Dale with the facial hair.
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Patty ♣ said...

Maybe he was hard of hearing....
I love it when you find something, out of the ordinary, to surprise us with!
Wow! This weather is fantastic! Today will be the same and I am going to spend a little time in the rose garden.

Christine Thresh said...

He shouldn't be driving a car like that unless he wants to be picked up by women of a certain age.

Rayna said...

This "old geezer" has probably owned this car since 1957,when he was a teenager. Cute!