Sunday, February 28, 2010

Joan Schulze quilt 02-28-10

"Vest Pocket Tour II" Joan Schulze 2001 7.5"W x 7.5"L
This tiny quilt was offered at auction in 2003 and somehow I didn't even write down the price I paid - sticker shock, maybe. But at the San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles last week I didn't think the prices on her quilts were terribly high. Perhaps I have come to appreciate the cost of a terrific quilt made by an accomplished artist. This quilt is cotton, silk and paper and Velcro on the back to mount it. I don't have much space for mounted works, but this is so small it just goes in the (acid-free) box with the one-foot square quilts in the Collection. When I display it I prop it on a standing plate holder and have never hung it on the wall.
You can see Joan's work at her 40-year retrospective "Poetic License: The Art of Joan Schulze" continuing through May 9th at the San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles. I blogged a little bit about it last week when I was there at the opening
She also has a book out with the same title. And you can see her work on her websites:
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Karen Stiehl Osborn said...

Lucky you to own one of her original quilts for your collection! I love her work and own a few of her collages. Her new website is though.

jpsam said...

I'm just getting caught up with your blog and reading about Joan Schulze. I am looking forward to a trip to San Jose to see her retrospective. Fantastic!