Saturday, March 20, 2010

Double Wedding Ring variation 03-20-10

Just one picture, but I may have overloaded Mary's satellite connection. Darn!

I was eager to see a photo of my project so I can think about it whilst driving tomorrow, so I took it out in the driveway to photograph. The trees gave a bit of dappled shade, but it is good enough for me to see what might be wrong. Sylvia and many of the class members really liked it, but it is a mite too busy for me. I think I will attack the light colored 'melons' and see if I can't find some that are not quite so patterned. Sylvia kept warning us about "eyes" and I can see a few pair staring out at me. Might try a little 'fabric modification" with markers or paint sticks. The flower centers would make great fish eyes! Everyone seems to experiment with making fish quilts - maybe I will do it too.
I'm off in the morning to drive I-5 home. Hope to get away before 9am, which will put me in the LABasin before the Sunday evening traffic gets too bad. I have been icing my left ankle and it is much better. I can walk without too much pain and will only have to stop for gas once and probably two pit stops. Everything is going to go smoothly. Don't worry!!
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1 comment:

Rayna said...

I don't see any "eyes" but maybe I'm not looking in the right place. I can see what you mean about busy -- and agree that the piece might benefit from a "reads as solid" bit of fabric for a place to rest the eye.

Ouch! Hope your ankle behaves itself soon.