Saturday, April 17, 2010

Wild Oats 04-17-10

No, I'm not sowing any wild oats! They just sow themselves on the slope in back of my house. I suspect a lot of them come from the seed eating birds who love them. The oats are beautiful when they are green and the wind ripples through, but they are also beautiful when they have shed their seeds and only the silvery husks remain.

I am having some trouble downloading pictures from the card in the appropriate slot on the front of my laptop. I tried the old Dell laptop and they downloaded just fine, but they I have to send them to myself to get them on the Fujitsu. I imagine the problem is in the Fujitsu. I have a card reader with a USB on the end of a cord, but I cannot locate it. Wonder if I left in a motel somewhere. Guess I will have to visit the shop again and see if they can help. This piece of junk will be a year old in June. Why, oh why, didn't I stick to Dell?
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Loretta said...
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Loretta said...

Silvery oats! Looks very much like an art quilt to me. Have fun. Go Dell! Take care.