Saturday, May 29, 2010

A President's Quilt for Nancy 05-29-10

It is the practice of Southern California quilt guilds (and some guilds in other parts of the country) to make a quilt for their outgoing president. Nancy Ota, the founding president and the person who has devoted much of her life this past two years to getting this guild up and running, deserves something special. And this "kimono quilt is it. Members were asked to make a 4-1/2" block using the dark blue fabric provided by the guild as the background and to create a brightly colored tropical flower. Of course, hand applique would be preferred, but some members cannot hand applique, so there are also machine made blocks and fused blocks. There are 154 blocks in the quilt.
To honor Nancy's Japanese heritage it was decided to use the kimono shape and to include symbols meaningful to her and her family - her family kamon (crest), her husband Mike’s kamon, the guild logo, signatures of the board and all the participants and even a photo of Mike and Nancy in Japan wearing yukata.

The fans on the back contain the signatures of the board and the volunteers who worked on this project. The picture of Nancy and Mike is at the lower right of the back.

A great start to the tradition of quilts for the outgoing president of the Surfside Quilters Guild.

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Corky said...

What a great quilt. I'm sure your outgoing president was thrilled.

dee said...

What a fabulous gift. Beautifully done.