Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Coffee on July 5th 07-06-10

Corky and I met our friend Liz at Starbuck's yesterday morning. It was overcast and cool, which may be why there were so few people on that huge patio. Corky was excited to see Liz waiting for us, just like the last time. I don't know why that surprises me, he can have friends also, right? He looks so serious here, I think he looks older! He will be fourteen the end of July. Notice that he is wearing his red/white/blue bow attached to his collar.

Liz came with two Bachelor Buttons stuck in the side pocket of her purse. She picked them in her yard as she was leaving and she doesn't remember ever planting them! Could be bird-plantings, I suppose. I had never seen anything but a blue variety of this flower, so I looked them up on Google and found they come in even more colors - blue, pink, red, white.

They are very interesting to look at in detail - a halo of tiny blossoms around a fuzzy center and the back of the flower looks like it is set on top of a tiny pineapple. I don't know why I like this picture so much - I find it very pleasing and I suppose it is the colors and the texture combined. The lady in the intense blue shirt sort of balances everything. And maybe fact that the picture is out of alignment makes it even more interesting. I usually try very hard to line everything up vertically and horizontally - in this case I didn't and I couldn't straighten the image lest I cut off the pink Bachelor Button. Good to learn something every single day, isn't it? Keeps one's brain sharp.... or at least not so dull.

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Meggie said...

Those photos are amazing. I love to see Corky, of course! He is such a gorgeous little guy!
Those flowers are lovely, & the blue shirt is a perfect balance.

Those flowers are lovely.

Rayna said...

I always think that off-center pictures are the most interesting. Lovely!