Friday, August 6, 2010

Not really a post! 08-05-10

I am still struggling with my computers, but wanted everyone to know that a change is in sight. The new Dell laptop arrived yesterday and is awaiting the computer guru to come and help me set it up. Friends keep saying I can do it, but I am too fearful of messing it up. I can do that without half trying. Sometimes, if I just ignor a problem long enough, it seems to fix itself. Like Blogger - it has been a mess since I thought I'd try their new format/program/method - whatever it is called. But this morning without pictures it is back to the way it has always been. However, there is no "browse" when I try to add pictures. Suggestions anyone? I am going to wait until I have the new Dell up and running before I try to interact with Blogger Help.

Tomorrow will be a better day.
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Patty ♣ said...

You have my sympathy! This morning I had to turn this on three times before I could connect with the internet! I don't get it! Then I can go for months w/o problems...How exciting to get the new Dell! Hurrah!

Rayna said...

Enjoy it! I hope your new windows version is better than Vista. A new computer is always exciting.