Sunday, October 24, 2010

Last of PIQF 2010 10-24-10

Again, a big THANK YOU to my friend Mary Leakey for taking pictures at PIQF '20 when I could not travel up to Santa Clara due to bronchitis. These are just a few last images that she shared me with.... and you.
Mary and her grandgirls are fond of fairies, so it isn't surprising that she took pictures of this quilt from the UK. When I stay with Mary I get to sleep in the 'little girls room' and feel the protection of the many fairies around the room.

It is so sad that this quilt was folded face-in across the width creating an ugly crease. BOOO.

The see-through wings are a nice touch.

With the traditional log cabin blocks and the rich, dark colors this looks to me like a quilt from the 1880s in the USA.

And the fabrics look much like the silks of that era. Nice quilt.

I wish there were more of an explanation on this quilt. Why pockets? Interesting colors.

A very interesting quilt. The fact that the background is whole cloth with layers of hand printed motifs and then applied with clear 'raindrops' gives the quilt an unexpected depth.

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abelian said...

Thank you, Mary and Del, for these photos! I'll get to PIQF someday. The log cabin quilt has me thinking about the bag of neckties I won in a guild drawing.


Lynne said...

I enjoy this quilt very much. As an art quilter I was interest in the Quilt Vision Museum and visited this past spring. It's wonderful.