Monday, January 17, 2011

Driving home SJB to Placentia 01-16-11

No quilt tonight.  Instead a mixed bag of pictures I took driving home.  Unfortunately, I haven't figured out how to upload pictures in any sort of order.  So, despite my plans there isn't much order in this Blog.

Going down the hill from Mary and Joe's house there is lots of livestock to see.  Here is a "doggie" who thought I was the strangest thing he had ever seen.

I wanted to sing "Brown Cow, Brown Cow, swish your scrawny tail....."  That is the way it goes, isn't it?

This family was having a drive on the dirt roads that divide the fields along Hwy 156 near San Juan Bautista - something I have never seen before.  The boy in red in the front was on his own bike, the father was holding a little girl and towing a little boy in the 'wagon'.  I'll bet they chose today because the ground is very dry and the temperature was in the 60s. 

Lots of birds everywhere.  Here are two white-crowned sparrows in Santa Nella where I stopped at Starbuck's for something to help me along on my drive south on I-5.  I also saw cowbirds, starlings, LOTS of hawks, ravens, crows, house finches, house sparrows, both large and small egrets, coots, ducks, and others I can't remember - already. 
 A beautiful oak tree up on a green hill.
A blooming century plant against the blue, blue sky.
Highway 152 goes over Pacheco Pass - such beautiful clouds.
Then over the top and down around San Luis Reservoir I drove into the fog.  It was foggy all the way to Grapevine - but not down on the ground, it hung half way down the hills but the roadway was clear.

As I said, these photos are all out of order.  This was taken near Mary and Joe's house - driving through the woods all along the way to the bottom of the hills and the highway.   For this suburban gal - beautiful.
And a very large, very old eucalyptus tree along the edge of a pasture, also near Mary & Joe's.
Any sunny, pleasant day there are motorcyclists on Hwy 156 and Hwy 152.  I think these guys were frustrated, as I was, with this slow moving motor home. There is no place to pass on either highway, so everyone just follows along.
Traffic was light the entire way home and there were many California Highway Patrol cars along the way.  I did stop three times for some exercise and was able to walk when I arrived home and got out of the car.  So, the physical therapy is helping - maybe I can go back to my wandering ways and take many more road trips. 
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Patty ♣ said...

Grey squirrel, grey squirrel swish your bushy tail??? :)♥
Love the pictures! I have never...maybe, been on the 156, or 152 Hwys. And YES! I hope the PT has you where you will be able to get away!! Glad the trip was fun and safe! enjoy this weather!!

Rayna said...

You can make the most mundane things look beautiful and sound interesting.

June said...

Nice photos -- love the oak tree and the birds. And the motorcyclists, too, bless their hearts. I grew fond of them (although not of their noise) when I was out in my various deserts. We would have funny conversations.