Sunday, March 13, 2011

One night at Camp Del 03-12-11

I picked up Corky this morning for just one night at Camp Del.  His parents are having a neighborhood party - a "one in a lifetime event" - and preparations were all getting to be too much for the little guy.  Although he seems to be getting indifferent to strangers in the house - when the delivery guys came with the new master bedroom headboard Corky curled up in his bed and slept through the commotion.  Sort of like this: 

I find it interesting the way he rearranges his pillow and blanket.  He doesn't seem to do it with his quilt at my house, but when he has a blanket in his LBeach bed he flips and wrinkles and mounds it - just so!  And he does the same with his pillows.  
You can tell by this image just how easy it is to overlook him when he is sleeping.  Since he is now profoundly deaf he does check every now and then to see what is going on.  But to purposely awaken him one must move the bed or touch him.  Whereupon he jumps up in a panic - poor guy.  Sometimes I make a breeze with a magazine or something so that he looks up lazily, rather than having him startled all the time. 
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Patty ♣ said...

Corky is such a cute little lamb!

Karen Stiehl Osborn said...

He is such a sweetheart, and lucky to have a second home with you!