Thursday, May 26, 2011

On the Road - Carbondale, KS 05-26-11

Ruth and Charlie Powers live waaaay out in the country with their two dogs, a barn and lots of green, green countryside around them.

This huge tree shades the deck and the koi pond.  See the "Gold Standard" parked by the garage?

I don't know if I have ever tried to photograph a pond, but I found it very difficult.  All that welcome blue sky reflects and the koi are hard to spot.
This is a little better, but still a lot of sky!
Even closer I could avoid some sky.  I wanted a picture of this unusual white/black koi.
While Ruth and Charlie worked in the yard I lolled in a chair on the deck and watched the birds.  Hard to get pictures.  Here is a hummer at rest.  There were three flying around - each claiming their territory.
I moved closer to the feeder to perhaps get better pictures.  But this woodpecker just peered at me over the roof and wouldn't come any closer. 

The cardinal was also wary, only perching for a minute or two in the Chaste Tree which has just started leafing out.  There was also a brilliant oriole, but once I stood up he stayed away from the front of the house.
A house full of quilts and dogs!  Grif, the Komondor, stretches out in the hall so he can keep an eye out.

Timber, the German Shepherd, is very quiet and gentle and huge.  Maybe 165 pounds. 
The bedroom I am in is off limits for the dogs, so far I am not having any allergy attacks, but I am careful about taking my meds at the right times. 
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Patty ♣ said...

All the pictures are wonderful! Love the koi, birds, doggies and the green around their home!! & You are safe! That's a GOOD thing! Enjoy yourself friend!♥

Martha Ginn said...

Del, what great pictures! So glad you enjoyed your trip and shared with us.

June said...

The first two koi photos are wonderful. The sky reflection works there (as you undoubtedly know because you posted it). It's great that you and Ruth are such good friends and you get to share their space for a little while. As I said -- makes me a bit homesick.

On the other hand, I'm listening to the Rose Festival fireworks. Listening because I'm too lazy to walk up to the end of the block and actually watch them. I like fireworks, but only from comfortable quarters or when I'm very energetic. This rules out anything after 8 PM:-)