Wednesday, May 11, 2011

" make my heart sing." 05-10-11

Today was the Surfside Quilters Guild meeting in San Clemente.  What a great group of friends this is.  The speaker was Sandy Sutton who has a fabulous collection of antique and vintage quilts.  She has become addicted to quilts of that era just as I have become addicted to contemporary quilts.  She is intensely interested in researching everything there is to know about her quilts, a difficult task since all of the quilt makers are dead and there are very few records about specific quilts.   I, on the other hand, can look up a lot of information on quilter's websites on the Internet.  Or talk to the quilter via e-mail.  Lucky me. 

But even with all the almost unbelievable quilts Sandy showed, this is the one that made my heart "sing" today. 

Mary Jayne Bellamy showed this quilt at Show & Tell (or more properly "Monthly Quilt Exhibit").  She calls it "Why?" on the form she submitted.  She goes on to say, "Pyramids pattern from a friend in the desert.  Scallops on the sides, why?  It is a 5 year old UFO." 

It has been decades since I made a pyramid quilt and when I did it never occurred to me to capture the "zing" of SPRING.   I've said many times that my favorite color is yellow, although sometimes it has to struggle with red and violet/purple, but I haven't particularly enjoyed yellow with pink.  Maybe it is the variety of greens sprinkled throughout that make a balance.  I think Mary Jayne should rename this quilt and call it "A Host of Golden Daffodils" after William Wordsworth's poem.   Or maybe "Spring Song".  Or maybe "Heart Song".  Or maybe "Singing Heart".  Or.......!
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Jeanne Turner McBrayer said...

Very pretty and spring-like!

Patty ♣ said...

Sounds like the class you gave was FUN! Hoping for some pictures!