Sunday, July 31, 2011

Quilt Festival - Long Beach 07-31-11

A full day (10am to 3pm) at the Quilt Festival today - Liz and I were worn to a nub.  Several people have asked me how well attended the show was, but I don't have feel for the crowd.  Although I go every year it is hard to tell in such a huge venue.  Every time I tried to walk through the vendor area (300 strong) I had to detour out to aisles that were more open.  I know that the venue is contracted for another two years.  As long as the show is held in Long Beach and my health allows, I'll be there!   Another question I heard several times today was, "Did you buy a quilt?"  No, but several were very tempting.

I hope that among the pictures I post this week you see some quilts that you love.

This quilt was displayed at PIQF (Pacific Int'l Quilt Festival - a Mancuso venue) in 2010 and I also took pictures of it then.  It is quite a beautiful quilt  About 24"W x 38"L. 

I think this is a lovely quilt.  The artist has used a great variety of techniques (not high tech) to create texture and coloring suitable to the landscape.  By-the-way, Ducor is located on Hwy 65 in Tulare County, north of Bakersfield and about 13 miles east of Hwy 99 - 2010 population 610.

Barbara's description doesn't mention the hours of machine quilting and hand embroidery that went into making such a realistic depiction of the grass, flowers, seed heads, etc., shown not just in the forground, but into the distance by the barn.  Quilt is about 24" square.

It just takes a hint of fence posts to define the edge of a pasture or field.

The larger flowers (rust and gold) are done with silk ribbon embroidery.   The other flowers are stitched with detached chain, French knots, stem, seed, and some I no longer recognize. 
She has also placed some silk ribbon leaves to give some "presence" among the flowers. 
This is a quilt I wish I could have made!
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dee said...

Beautiful work-thanks for the tour Del.

Suzanne Kistler said...

I know Barbara! I LOVE that quilt. Thank you so much for putting your spotlight on it!!