Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday Feet 11-11-11

If you watch Antiques Roadshow you may have seen these Wedgwood heeled shoes which a lady purchased at a yard sale for $8.  I never look at shoes at garage/yard sales, mostly because decades ago when I did look they were all tiny sizes.  These look like they might fit, only I cannot wear heels these days. It is too bad there isn't more background about the origin of these elegant shoes.  They obviously were not worn much.
The appraiser put the price at $400 - $600.   They would probably be worth more if they were worn by a famous person. 
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Patty ♣ said...

Yes, I did see this on the Roadshow. I was not aware that Wedgwood had anything to do with shoes! Interesting.

Christine Thresh said...

I've seen those shoes on the Roadshow twice. Pretty.