Sunday, December 4, 2011

Green Bird 12-03-11

I didn't mean to miss posting yesterday, I just ran out of steam.  I seem to be doing that a lot lately.

This was going to be a green bird in a gilded cage, but once I drew out the cage and started to transfer it to the fabric I didn't like the way it looked.  So I went back to the plain bird and am working on a different direction.   I imagine leaves, but haven't worked it out. 
I'm going to San Diego to take a class with Jane LaFazio on Monday at Visions Art Museum.  The class is Mono printing using gel plates, something I have never tried before.  I'll give you a full report - possibly on Monday night.  
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Terry Grant said...

How strange! Just yesterday I had a vision of a bird in a cage and an idea for just such a piece.

Loretta said...

I know you'll enjoy your class...I took an on-line watercolor journaling class with Ms. LaFazio and enjoyed it very much. Learned to be more free and easy with the paint and brush!